US embassy opens in Jerusalem today

Today, the US Embassy will be opened in Jerusalem.

Report informs referring to Israeli press, about 800 people will attend at solemn opening ceremony of the diplomatic representative.

According to the program, the ceremony will start with a US State Anthem. Then US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman will deliver a welcome speech.

After the speech of US Deputy Secretary of State, John Sullivan, US President Donald Tramp's video-appeal will be shown.

Later, Mr. Tramp's son-in-law Jared Kushner, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver a speech.

The US coat of arms, gratitude to D. Trump and vice-president of US has been crumbled on the stone laid near the Embasssy.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Donald Tramp's daughter Ivanka Kushner will also attend the opening ceremony.

The ceremony will be guaranteed more than 2,000 police and border guards.

