Names of Turkish presidential candidates announced

The Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey has announced the names of all presidential candidates in the elections to be held June 24, Resmi Gazete, the Turkish official newspaper, reported May 10.

The incumbent Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Meral Aksener from the recently created Good Party (Iyi Parti), Temel Karamollaoglu from the Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi), Muharrem Ince from the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Dogu Perincek from the Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), Vecdet Oz from the Justice Party (Adalet Partisi) and Selahattin Demirtas from the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) are running for the post of president of Turkey.

Turkey will also hold a parliamentary election on June 24.

In the parliamentary election held in Turkey on November 1, 2015, the Justice and Development Party won 49.41 percent of the votes, the People's Republican Party (CHP) - 25.38 percent of the votes, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) - 11.93 percent, and the Democratic Party of Peoples (HDP) - 10.7 percent of the votes.

