Azerbaijani mosques to commemorate Alkhanli victims

Upon the instruction of Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office (CMO) Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade, the memory of the innocent residents of the Alkhanli village of Azerbaijan’s Fuzuli district, who were killed as a result of Armenian provocation on July 4, will be commemorated in the mosques in Baku and all districts of the republic during Friday prayer times on July 7, the CMO press service told.

Religious leaders are instructed to preach about the July 4 provocation, another manifestation of Armenian vandalism, as well as about the killing of civilians, including children and elderly people.

The CMO’s authorities abroad are also tasked to inform the people of the country where they function, about the essence of Armenian aggression against the Azerbaijani people.

The CMO states that Pashazade wishes peace to the souls of the deceased, prays for liberation of our lands and restoration of the territorial integrity under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

On July 4 at about 20:40 (GMT+4 hours), the Armenian armed forces again violated ceasefire and, using 82-mm and 120-mm mortars and grenade launchers, shelled Azerbaijani positions and territories where the civilian population lives, namely the Alkhanli village of the country’s Fuzuli district, thereby grossly violating the requirements of international law, the Azerbaijani defense ministry said earlier.

As a result of this provocation, the residents of the village Sahiba Guliyeva, 50, and Zahra Guliyeva, 2, were killed. Sarvinaz Guliyeva, 52, who got wounded, was hospitalized. APA

