Due to the negligence of the accountant, the capital of these companies was reduced by 500 times

 Из-за халатности бухгалтера капитал этих компаний уменьшен в 500 раз
3 companies registered in the recent past and whose legal representative is the same person are sharply reducing their authorized capital.
informs that "BUSINESS FINANCE GROUP" LLC (TIN - 1406300471) and "İmza İnşaat" LLC (TIN - 1406188941), whose legal representative is Ahmedzade Ainura Aligizi, have reduced their authorized capital by 500 times from 100,000 manats to 200 manats. "Star Stamp" LLC (TIN - 1406234141), whose legal representative is also Ainura Aligizi, reduces its authorized capital by 400 times from 60,000 manats to 150 manats.
Although the legal representative of all three mentioned companies is the same person, their legal addresses are different:
LLC "İmza İnşaat" was registered on 18.10.2022 at the address Dilyar Aliyev, house 235A, Nasimi district,
LLC "Star Stamp" - 21.11.2022, Nasimi district, S.Vurgun street, house 34, apt. 1,
LLC "BUSINESS FINANCE GROUP" - 13.01.2023, Nasimi district, Dilyara Alieva, house 113, apt. 1.
Noted, that the reason for the decrease in the authorized capital is the negligence of the accountant.

Elnur Ali

