For 4 months, "Pasha Sığorta" collected 323 million, and "Naxçıvansığorta" 1 million

In January-April this year, 20 insurance companies operating in the country collected 467 million 530 thousand manats of insurance premiums.
reports referring to published official data, compared to the same period last year, insurance premiums collected by insurance companies increased by 30% or more than 108 million manats.
The companies "Pasha Həyat Sığorta" and "Pasha Sığorta" collected more than half of the collected insurance premiums - 69%.
The insurance premium collected by "Pasha Həyat Sığorta" and "Pasha Sığorta" companies amounted to 323 million manats.
It should be noted that "Pasha Sığorta" OJSC belongs to "Pasha Holding", which is the largest company in the country in terms of assets (15.5 billion manats). "Pasha Sığorta" OJSC with an authorized capital of 50 million manats was established in 2006.
Closed the top five with the largest number of insurance premiums are "Qala Sığorta" OJSC with a collection of 34 million manats, "Atəşgah Həyat" OJSC with a collection of 22 million manats and "Aqrar Sığorta" OJSC with a collection of 10.5 million manats.
The company that collected the least amount of insurance premiums was "Naxçıvansığorta" OJSC with collection of 968,000 manats.

A. Jafarov

