Wheat and flour become cheaper in Azerbaijan, but the price of bread does not change - Prices

В Азербайджане дешевеют пшеница и мука, но цена на хлеб не меняется - Цены
As you know, 23 companies and one individual entrepreneur are engaged in the wholesale of flour in Azerbaijan, among them the "Azeri-Arapoğlu U.S.və T.LTD" JV (TIN - 2300083591) sells flour at the highest price.
Yeniavaz.com reports that this company sells a 50 kg bag of flour for 37.20 manats.
The sales center of "Azeri-Arapoglu U.S. and T.LTD" JV is located in Ganja.
A bag of 50 kilograms of flour is sold at the lowest price by "Qarabağ un" LLC (TIN - 1505334091), located in the Binagadi district of Baku. This company offers customers a bag of flour for 35.50 manats.
It should also be noted that wholesale prices for flour in the country have been declining in recent months. For example, on December 6 last year, the highest price for a 50-kilogram bag of flour was 39.50 manats, and the lowest price was 38. As you can see, the wholesale price of flour has decreased by about 7% in the last 3 months.
Compared to the beginning of last year, the price of wheat imported from abroad decreased at the beginning of this year. So, if in the first month of last year the customs value of 1 ton of imported wheat was $346.6 (589.2 manats), in the first month of this year this figure was $304.4 (517.5 manats). As can be seen from the figures, the cost of imported wheat decreased by more than 12%.
Interestingly, despite the decline in wholesale prices for both imported wheat and flour, bread prices have not changed. However, in the middle of last year, bread prices were raised on the grounds that wheat and flour had risen in price.
In the period from December 6, 2022 to March 9, 2023, the wholesale price of flour in Azerbaijan was as follows:


