Georgia and Armenia are freer than us, and we are freer than Turkey... - List

В Грузии и Армении свободнее, чем у нас, а у нас свободнее, чем у Турции... - Список
Freedom House has released its latest Internet Freedom Report covering 70 countries. reports that among the countries included in the report, China remains the country with the worst Internet freedom situation, as in previous years.
Among the countries of the former USSR, Internet freedom existed in Estonia, as well as in Armenia and Georgia.
Among countries in the region, the Internet was "partially free" in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, and "not free" in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Iran.
The position of the countries of the region among 70 countries was as follows:
2 - Estonia
7 - Georgia
14 - Armenia
29 - Ukraine
36 - Kyrgyzstan
51 - Azerbaijan
53 - Kazakhstan
54 - Turkey
58 - Belarus
62 - Uzbekistan
65 - Russia
68 - Iran

The top 5 countries with the best level of Internet freedom are Iceland, Estonia, Costa Rica, Canada and Taiwan.
The top 5 countries with the lowest internet freedom are China, Myanmar, Iran, Cuba and Vietnam.

A. Jafarov

