State Oil Fund did not transfer 3.6 billion manats to the budget - Reason

Нефтяной фонд не перечислил в бюджет 3,6 миллиарда манатов - Причина
State budget revenues last year amounted to 30 billion 660.5 million manats, which is 5% against the forecast of 29 billion 197.8 million manats or 1 billion 462.7 million manats. reports, that the Ministry of Finance made a statement about this.
It is noted that the income of the non-oil sector amounted to 15 billion 278.8 million manats, which is 1 billion 618.5 million manats more than the forecast.
Revenues of the oil and gas sector turned out to be 15 billion 381.7 million manats or 155.8 million manats less than the forecast.
The state budget received funds in the amount of 7 billion 923 million manats from the State Oil Fund against the transfer of 11 billion 517.5 million manats, which was envisaged by the forecast. In the reporting year, the observed increase in revenues to the state budget through tax and customs authorities made it possible to use 3 billion 594.5 million manats less than the planned transfer from the State Oil Fund to the state budget.

Elnur Ali

