"Xalq Əmlak" after 15 days increased its capital by 17.4 million

LLC "Xalq Əmlak" (TIN - 1307300541) once again increases the authorized capital.
Yeniavaz.com reports with reference to published official information, that "Xalq Əmlak" LLC is increasing its authorized capital from 22,600,000 manats to 40 million manats.
For information, we note that on November 24 of this year, "Xalq Əmlak" LLC announced a decrease in the authorized capital from 40 million manats to 22 million 600 thousand manats.
It should be noted that "Xalq Əmlak" LLC, which reduced its authorized capital by 17.4 million manats in 15 days and then increased it again, was registered on 24.08.2021. The legal representative of the LLC is Bagirov Suleyman Mirtagy oglu.
It should also be noted that the founder of "Xalq Əmlak" LLC with a 100% stake is "Xalq Bank" OJSC, one of the country's leading banks. JSC "Xalq Bank" was founded in 2004. The shareholders of "Xalq Bank" OJSC were "İdeal Biznes Ko" LLC (50%), "Yevro Standart" LLC (33.85%) and "AMAL İnvest Qrup" LLC (16.15%). In the report of "Xalq Bank" OJSC, "Neftchilar Avenue, 153" is indicated as the legal address of both companies. This address is also home to "Pasha Holding", one of the leading companies in the country. The report of "Xalq Bank" OJSC also notes that the ultimate owners of the bank are Leyla Aliyeva and Arzu Aliyeva, who exercise joint control over the bank.

A. Jafarov

