4 banks accounted for more than half of the loan portfolio - Who are the owners?

As of early October this year, the loan portfolio of banks operating in Azerbaijan amounted to 19 billion 157.2 million manat.
Yeniavaz.com reports with reference to the latest statistics of the Central Bank, the share of business loans in the loan portfolio amounted to 56.3% or 10 billion 780.9 million manat. In addition, 5 billion 601.6 million manat of loans were consumer loans, and 2 billion 774.7 million manat - mortgage loans.
It should also be noted that there are 4 banks with a loan portfolio of more than 1 billion manat. These are "International Bank of Azerbaijan" OJSC (3 billion 256.7 million manat), "Kapital Bank" OJSC (2 billion 855.2 million manat), "PAŞA Bank" OJSC (2 billion 620.5 million manat) and "Xalq Bank" (1 billion 550.1 million manat).
The share of 4 named banks accounted for 10 billion 282.5 million manat or 53.7% of the total loan portfolio of 26 banks operating in the country.
It should be noted that the shareholders of banks with a loan portfolio of more than 1 billion manat were:
Banks Shareholder Share
OJSC "International Bank of Azerbaijan" Ministry of Finance 92,56 %
State Commission for Real Estate Affairs 3,81 %
"Aqrarkredit" CJSC 0,23 %
Legal entities 0,34 %
Physical persons 3,06 %
"Kapital Bank" OJSC "Paşa Holdinq" OJSC 99,87 %
Physical persons 0,13 %
"Paşa Bank" OJSC "Paşa Holdinq" OJSC 56,8195 %
"Bless" OJSC 28,1796 %
Arif Pashayev 9,9944 %
Mir Jamal Pashayev 5,0066 %
"Xalq Bank" OJSC "İdeal Biznes Ko" OJSC 50 %
"Yevro Standar" OJSC 33,85 %
"AMAL İnvest Qrup" OJSC 16,15 %


