Be careful when calling a taxi through "Bolt"! - Otherwise you will have to pay twice

When placing an order for two addresses at the same time through the application of the taxi service "Bolt", the distance and, accordingly, the price is calculated not from the nearest address (your first choice) to the farthest address (your second choice), but vice versa from the farthest address to the nearest address. reports, that in order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to make additional settings in the "Bolt" application.
It is known that people usually select the first destination in the "Bolt" app, then select the second destination using the "+" icon in the upper left corner of the screen and click on the "Select" icon written in large letters on a green background.
The "Bolt" app automatically shows the second and then the first selected address as the driving direction.
In order not to encounter such a situation, you need to correct the sequence by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
But it is known that people usually choose the address when ordering a taxi, and the icon (s) in the upper left corner of the screen is not important to them. For this reason, people sometimes ignore the icon in the upper left corner even when selecting two addresses at the same time. They rightly believe that the application will accept addresses selected by the client sequentially both in two addresses and in one address. But, as it turned out, this does not happen and customers are forced to go in the wrong direction, as well as pay extra for ride.
For example, from the address of the site (Tbilisi Ave., quarter 1058) we will indicate the metro station "November 8" (Jeyhun Salimov street, quarter 1065), which is only 700 meters from us, and from there the address of the Binagadi House of Culture, which is located 8 km. from us (G.Ramazanova street 4).
In the application, we begin to indicate the addresses to which we will go in order (from the nearest to the farthest) ... First, we mark the metro station "November 8" and the fare is 1.41 manat (Eco). Then, through the "+" sign in the upper right corner of the screen, select the second address - G. Ramazanova street 4 (Binagadi House of Culture). Although we choose the Binagadi House of Culture as the second address, the application takes it as the first address and, changing direction, first calculates the distance of 8 km, and then the nearest distance of 700 meters. As a result, the fare on the route "" - "Binagadi House of Culture" - "November 8 m/st" is 7.93 AZN. Obviously, most people do not pay attention to the direction of movement on the screen, even if many people pay attention, they will not be able to understand whether this direction is correct or not.
We sent our questions to the company's email address to find out if "Bolt" did this intentionally (for additional profit) or for some other reason unknown to us. If the company answers our questions, it will be added to the article.
For information, that the official name of the company providing taxi services "Bolt" is LLC "Bolt Services Az" (TIN-1503463041). The LLC was registered under the name "Taxify Azerbaijan" LLC on February 13, 2017. Later the name of the company was renamed. The legal representative of the company with an authorized capital of 10 manat is Azizov Naim Ilkhas oglu.
It should also be noted that a few months ago, taxi drivers cooperating with "Bolt" staged a protest action and criticized the company.

A. Jafarov

