Liquidated 4 companies founded by the same person at the same address

4 companies registered 3 years ago - in 2019, whose legal representative is the same person, announced their liquidation. reports citing to official information, "TVVZ GROUP" LLC (TIN 1603741091), "RENOVATION GROUP" LLC (TIN 1603723201), "MMK İNŞAAT VƏ TƏCHİZAT" LLC (TIN 1603770311) and "SS-PRODUCT" LLC (TIN - 1603727721) announced their liquidation.
The legal address of these companies: Nizami district, Keshlya UTS, st. Abdulla Mirzaev, 58. The authorized capital of the MMC is 10 manat. The legal representative of the companies is Mirzaev Zaur Sabir oglu.

