Vaccination may sometimes be compulsory in state interests, former Russian PM thinks

Inoculation is voluntary yet sometimes it may become generally obligatory due to state interests, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council and former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said at a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum on Wednesday.

"It seems to me that the stance taken by a number of European institutions is quite reasonable because the jab in itself presumes a person’s consent to its administration. In other words, we proceed from the voluntary nature of vaccination, yet sometimes, in the interests of the state, the interests of the protection of the vast majority of the population, such decisions may also have a generally compulsory nature," he said.

At the same time, the deputy chairman noted that the voluntary or compulsory nature of inoculation is an issue of the balance of values. "On one hand, there are values of an individual life. On the other, the protection of the entire population. Lawyers and people who are practically involved in vaccination will have to provide their responses to these issues," he added.

The politician also emphasized that the topic of the coronavirus infection has become the main component of the information agenda for many countries and turned either into an arena of conflict or into a cause for cooperation. "It is precisely the pandemic that placed [us] in the conditions when it is impossible to do anything without cooperation. Now, this is not a figure of speech, some abstract principles, even if very important ones, but, in essence, an imperative that we’ve all encountered. In this respect, it is necessary to rely on the experience of other countries," he pointed out. (TASS)

